Our community works together, across all areas in our Senior School, to contribute to the development of agile, capable and healthy young men who are ready to take their place in a dynamic world.
Our advantage is our shared vision for the St Gregory’s Graduate. Our community works together, across all areas in our Senior School, to contribute to the development of agile, capable and healthy young men who are ready to take their place in a dynamic world.
Our objective in Academic Care is for every student to develop the academic agency, skills, and strengths required to become an agile learner. To achieve this objective, our Academic Care program aims to develop important student and community dimensions.
What are Academic Agency, Skills and Strengths?
Academic Agency involves students becoming independent learners who are aware of the importance of their own effort and attitude in the learning process and who take the initiative to meaningfully influence their learning.
Academic Skills are transferrable tools that students develop to become agile, successful learners.
Academic Strengths refer to character strengths and thinking frameworks that will help them flourish as learners.
Academic Care – Student Dimensions
To foster the Agile St. Greg’s Graduate, our Academic Care program encourages:
- Growth Conversations and Self-efficacy – understanding and development of Growth Mindsets, Goal-centred GROWTH conversations and the development of self-efficacy.
- Learning, Planning & Study – attitudes towards and skills in learning, planning and studying, that will help students across the curriculum and as lifelong learners. Students will also gain skills in Academic Scholarship.
- General Capabilities – skills in cross-curricular General Capabilities such as Creative and Critical thinking, Literacy and Numeracy, Ethical understanding, Digital literacy, Intercultural understanding and Personal and Social capability.
- Character Strengths – exploration of Character Strengths and Positive Psychology principals enabling students to flourish.
- Habits of Mind – growth of Habits of Mind and our “5 Rs” that provide students with a framework for approaching academic problems and opportunities.
Academic Care – Community Dimensions
Our Academic Care Team will also work with the staff and community of St. Gregory’s College to maintain a learning environment in which our students can continue to grow as agile learners. Our team will:
- Data, Assessment and Reporting – work with staff and the community so that our students are known. This involves analysing data and developing strategies for student growth and examining assessments and reports to identify and monitor students who are experiencing challenges in their learning.
- Contemporary Teaching Practices – provide forums for the discussion of contemporary teaching practices and responses to the evolving academic world. This may include working with parents and the community to understand and refine ways of approaching the HSC, Course Selection, study skills, key transitions through school and the Rite Journey program.
- Universal Design for Learning – assist differentiation through the model of Universal Design for Learning.
- Student Achievement and Growth – formally and informally recognising and celebrating student achievement and growth in our community.
Collaborative Conversations - engage in case management meetings with Year Leaders, Leaders of Learning, the Learning Enrichment team, Boarding team, teachers, parents/carers, and students to
We engage in a number of teaching and learning practices that build the intellectual agility of the young men of St Gregory’s College. We work in a framework that embraces the best of traditional instruction and contemporary teaching which is strongly evidence-based. Our students experience:
- Inquiry learning
- Explicit instruction
- Practical and experiential learning
- Real-world applications of subject learning
For their learning to be successful, we know young men need:
- Boundaries
- High expectations
- Purpose
- A range of learning opportunities
- Strong relationships
At St Gregory’s College we offer a curriculum to appeal to young men with varied interests, skills and capabilities. We cater for students with aspirations for success in many different life and career pathways, looking to provide them with the attributes necessary to become an agile graduate of St Gregory’s College.
Our curriculum in Years 7–10 includes the core subjects of:
- Catholic Studies
- English
- Mathematics
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Science
- Human Society and its Environment
- Vocational Education and Training
Students experience a broad range of elective subjects throughout their learning journey.
Religious Education
- Studies in Catholic Thought 1
- Studies of Religion 1
- Studies of Religion 2
- English Advanced
- English Standard
- English Studies
- English Extension 1
- English Extension 2
- Mathematics Advanced
- Mathematics Standard
- Mathematics in Trades
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Mathematics Extension 2
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Investigating Science
- Science Extension
Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE)
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Geography
- Ancient History
- Legal Studies
- Modern History
- Extension History
- Agriculture
- Design & Technology
- Engineering Studies
- Industrial Technology – Metals
- Industrial Technology – Multimedia
- Industrial Technology – Timber
- Software, Design & Development
- Information Processes & Technology
- Computing Applications
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Construction (VET)
- Retail Services (VET)
- Fitness (VET)
- Primary Industries (VET)
- Information, Digital Media and Technology (VET)
- TVET Courses with various TAFE Institutions
- School-Based Apprenticeships
Creative and Performing Arts
- Music I
- Visual Arts
- Visual Design
- Photography, Video and Digital Imaging
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation
- Italian (Beginners)
- Beginners & Continuers Languages (External)
In the traditions of St Marcellin Champagnat our staff seek to build meaningful relationships with students, understanding that connections with young people support them in achieving their potential.
Just like our student learners, our teaching staff are committed to developing themselves as agile learners and teachers, through a comprehensive, ongoing professional learning program that is responsive to evidence and student needs.
Our teachers engage in:
- Professional Learning Groups
- Regular collegial observation and feedback
- Self-reflection
- School-based and external professional learning
St Gregory’s College students and staff are blessed to experience teaching and learning in a contemporary and aesthetically pleasing setting. Continuing our agricultural heritage, our campuses are situated on a large site dominated by a peaceful, natural setting. Students are inspired by a working farm, multiple sporting facilities, and extensive recreational spaces. The College Chapel provides a focal point for personal reflection and the sharing of faith. Dedicated learning spaces for the Arts, Sciences, Music and Technology enable 21st century teaching and learning experiences. Through our Capital Works Program, we’re dreaming big for tomorrow.