The College Diary, which every student has a copy of, contains important information regarding the conduct of students, their rights and responsibilities and expectations of behaviour.

The diary contains policies and guidelines for:

  • Attendance and travel
  • Contraband goods
  • Bullying and Harrassment Guidelines
  • Cybersafety
  • Haircuts
  • Mobile Phones
  • Students' rights and responsibilities
  • Homework
  • Uniform

Additional policies and guidelines:

Bullying and Harrassment

The College takes a strong stance against bullying and harassment. These 'Bullying and Harassment' guidelines are reviewed annually and are signed by boys and parents early in the school year. It is a ‘lived’ document. St Gregory’s College aims to be a place which fosters learning and positive social interaction in the context of its commitment to Christian principles. As part of the fulfilment of these objectives, the College sets its face against all forms of discrimination, bullying or harassment. The College will not tolerate behaviours towards others which could be deemed offensive, intimidating, humiliating or which create a hostile environment. We take the position that it does not matter that the person behaving in such a manner thinks that such actions were 'not serious'. What matters is the way in which such behaviour could reasonably be expected to impact on an individual or group of students.