Science provides a way of answering interesting and important questions about the world.
Science provides a way of answering interesting and important questions about the world. The content is taught through the Physical World, Earth and Space, the Living World and the Chemical World. Students learn more about the importance of the contribution and influence of science in their own lives and in finding solutions to personal, social and global issues.
Students are given the opportunity to attend excursions, field work, incursions and participate in initiatives run by universities. Participating in external science competitions tests students’ scientific skills against others in the country.
Stage 4 – 5 Science
Throughout Year 7 – 10 students learn how to use questioning, research and experimentation to discover and investigate the world around us. Students develop their skills in science inquiry through hands-on practical experiences, including student research projects.
Stage 6 Biology
Students investigate cellular structure and multicellular organisms; variations in the structures and functions of organisms and biodiversity; reproduction, inheritance patterns and the causes of genetic variation in both plants and animals.
Stage 6 Chemistry
Students investigate the properties and structures of matter, the types and drivers of chemical reactions and how we measure the quantities involved in these processes; classes of chemicals, processes and a variety of chemical reactions which incorporate organic compounds and acid/base equilibrium reactions.
Stage 6 Physics
Students develop an understanding and skills relevant to the study of motion; energy in its different forms and how we describe and measure electricity and magnetism and their interrelated effects; motion in two dimensions, electromagnetism, theories of light, the atom and the Universe.
Stage 6 Investigating Science
Students investigate the centrality of observation in initiating the scientific process, the human tendency to draw inferences and make generalisations from these observations; the use of scientific models and the similarities and differences between scientific theories and laws; students conduct their own scientific investigations and communicate their findings in scientific reports.
Stage 6 Extension Science
As part of their study of specific areas of Stage 6 Science, students can engage in further extension study involving a specific research project and scientific theory.