It is my pleasure as College Principal of St Gregory’s; a Catholic school in the Marist tradition, to invite you to find out more about us as a College.
We prepare students to make meaningful contributions to society as engaged citizens and leaders in a complex world.
St Gregory’s College is very proud of the family spirit that we nurture among our community.
Applications to enrol at St Gregory's College can be made at any stage, for your son or daughter, across Kindergarten to Year 12.
Front Office / Reception Mon–Fri, 8.00am–4.00pmSchool Terms Only
100 Badgally Road, Gregory Hills NSW 2557, Australia
(02) 4629 4222
St Gregory's College offers a wide range of activities to complement the learning and development that takes place within the classrooms.
Immersion is a powerful strategy in helping us understand the lives and cultures of others.
Students are encouraged to become involved in music outside of the classroom, as it is seen as a valuable tool to develop confidence, teamwork, learning and social skills.
The Agriculture faculty operates a very successful Show Program exhibiting sheep and cattle at local, regional and Royal Agricultural shows.
Debating and Public Speaking have a proud history at St Gregory’s College. Our students participate in many competitions throughout the school year.
Anything up to 100 students and 20 teachers may be involved at any one time. Musicals present a great opportunity for students to develop aspects of their personality.
The club is for anyone who enjoys chess, not only for those who wish to compete in the competition. All are welcome to come, play and enjoy.
Confidence, resilience and teamwork are some of the skills young people gain through their Duke of Edinburgh journey. These skills help them in life, further education and obtaining a job.
Students are encouraged to join with their Marist brothers and sisters in Solidarity and support of those who are less fortunate.
St Gregory’s College is acknowledged as one of the finest sporting Colleges in New South Wales and Australia.